The Love vs. Fear Mindset Shift.

The Love vs Fear Mindset Shift.

Are your actions driven by fear or by love? I was first introduced to the love vs fear mindset at some point in 2020 and it had such an impact on me, so I wanted to share it with you. I realized that throughout my life I had been making the majority of my choices and decisions based out of fear rather than out of love. I think this is all too common amongst us to act in fear vs love. I’m not even talking about big major decisions in your life, but small everyday things can also be tainted by this mindset.

What is Love vs Fear?

There are many different emotions that we feel throughout our lives, but they say that Love and Fear are the overarching emotions. So basically, you can fit all other emotions under either the love category or the fear category.

love vs fear comparison

Love is a positive emotion. It’s faith, peace, compassion, happiness, joy, connection, tolerance etc.

Fear on the other hand is a negative emotion. It’s blame, panic, worry, division, hate, anxiety, disconnect etc.

It’s also said that love and fear are opposite emotions and that we cannot feel one while feeling the other. Therefore if you’re not choosing to come from a place of love then you’re choosing to come from a place of fear ( or any of the emotions within each of those categories ). This is an ongoing practice throughout a lifetime. By choosing love once, it doesn’t mean that you won’t fear again because you will but when you’re conscious of it you can recognize what you’re doing and practice choosing love more often.

Why Does This Matter?

As I mentioned this was a life changing thing for me to realize in my own life because I was now able to recognize different moments when I had chosen and acted out of fear vs out of love. Here’s an example of love vs fear to give you an idea:

You come to a crossroads at your job because you’re offered another position within your company in a completely different department doing something different with ample room to grow and advance your career, but the thing is you also love your current position. The pay is the same for both gigs, what do you do? If you want to take the new gig in the new department your thought process could look like this:

If you’re acting out of fear you might think, what if I hate my new teammates? What if I suck at this new job? What if everyone hates me? Etc.

If you’re acting out of love you might be thinking, I could really hit it off with my new teammates, what other doors could open for me if I excel at this new job? I could make new connections in my industry!

Now think to any moments in your life where you may have acted out of fear first? Where you thought of all the things that could go wrong before without thinking of what could go right? Or you made decision based on any of those fear thoughts rather than going the other direction in love?

I can think of one just recently that happened to me when I decided to take the plunge and finally switch my content over. I was fearful to do so for so long because I was scared of what I could lose. My fear was that I had built up a whole platform around the fashion niche, that if I were to make a switch I’d love connection with people who were here for that. Never once did I think about what I could gain or new connections I could make. And it’s funny because I’ve been actively trying to choose love over fear in my personal life yet this just went completely over my head. After I posted my I’ve changed video I had a comment from Nick that said ‘you’re bound to lose subscribers, but you’ll gain more’, and that kind of slapped me across the face to be like oh yeah I was totally in a fear mindset.

What Now?

Remember that wherever there is a fear mindset there is also a love mindset. There’s two sides to a coin and that’s how you have to look at it. Think what could go right instead of wrong, and make actions out of love instead of fear.

E xx


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