Stepping Out of Resistance.

Stepping Out of Resistance.

I had a lot of big changes happen in my life in the last year, and it took me a long time to come to terms with my new reality. I finally realized that this was because I was resisting the change. When I first made big leaps into the unknown I was fearless, but not long after the fear slowly began to creep through. For a few solid months I felt completely crippled. I had lost all motivation, and I was completely burnt out.

After allowing myself some space, I started coming back to myself. One thing I was really able to reflect on was how much I was resisting change. I think big changes in life are always hard to accept. There’s this weird void period where you’re not quite your old self, but you’re not yet your new self… if that makes any sense? I felt very stuck in that void and so uncertain of how to even envision my new self. I think when you imagine your life going a certain way and then all of a sudden that isn’t the case anymore it can take some time to create a new vision. I wanted to share some things that helped me to think a little bit differently when it comes to navigating change.

We Create our Life.

Rather than thinking about life happening all around us, or to us and we’re just here for the ride, try to think of it like you are the creator of your life. We’re all creators of our lives. This mindset helped me refocus and think of how I could create a new reality for myself. It made me sit down and write out my values, what I wanted, what I actually liked, and what I didn’t like. After doing some of that work I was able to vision board some things that I wanted and craft a new story for myself. This mindset was sort of an aha moment for me in thinking, wait a second… I can be whoever I want to be.

We Choose What We Give Meaning To.

This is a really interesting concept. We all choose what is meaningful to us in our lives, and it’s different for everyone. For example, our relationships with our family, friends our spouse all have meaning and we care a lot about those people. If one of those people you love told you they loved you, it would mean a great deal to you, whereas if someone else you didn’t know told you the same thing it would mean nothing to you because you give it no meaning.

Accepting What Is.

Much easier said than done. When I was at my lowest point I was deep in resistance and it wasn’t serving me in any way. Anytime I started to spiral I really tried to bring myself back to the present. In life we only have control over ourselves, and I’m the kind of person who has always tried to control everything around me too. That has always led to resistance. What helped me was to try and remember that nothing is permanent, and one day the dots will connect as to why certain moments in your life had to happen.

E xx


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