How to Use Brand Storytelling in Marketing.

How to Use Brand Storytelling in Marketing.

Compelling storytelling is a must have when it comes to branding, and if you’re not using this marketing technique then you’re going to be left behind. Using brand storytelling in marketing is a less sales-y, more authentic way to connect with your audience. It’s impactful and evokes emotion, which, when done right creates meaningful connection. Oh, and storytelling is also 22 times more memorable than facts, and emotions tend to drive purchases more than logic does. Here’s why brand storytelling is key for making a connection and opening conversation with your audience.

To Authentically Connect with the Right People.

Authenticity is said so much because it’s true… you have to be authentic to become successful. Think of a brand or person that you truly admire. You most likely admire them because they’re different, and because they’re so unapologetically themselves. They’ve obviously stood out from the crowd, and you don’t stand out from a crowd by being like everyone else. You step into your own power and truly embody that — no f*cks given kind of attitude. THAT’S your superpower. 

Whether you think you do or not, everyone has a story. There has been a whole string of events, challenges, successes, failures, good times, and bad times that have brought you to this moment right now. Here’s the beautiful thing, no one else can copy your story because it’s unique to you. Your why was created somewhere within your unique journey and that’s exactly where you stand out, so own it. Wrap your message in a story.

To Differentiate from the Crowd.

Your brand needs to be much more than just your product or service. Realistically there’s probably loads of other people out there with a similar product or service as you, so what makes you so special? It’s your story, and what you stand for. Here’s some things to think about when it comes to differentiating yourself…

How can you you involve your audience, and what are their needs?

Put the answers to those questions at the centre of your storytelling to attract the right people. In today’s day and age most people aren’t just blindly buying products or services, they’re seeking out brands that are an extension of who they are. This means you need to open conversation, build trust, create genuine relationships, and most importantly be HUMAN. Always come back to your raison d’être.

E xx


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